Question record is gone?


Apr 8, 2010
Programming Experience
Well, I have built my first "database" in visual studio 2008.

it is really a Business Contacts form (ContactID, Name, Company Name, Address, Phone, Ect)

I followed this tutorial because it seemed easy to keep up with and of good quality(sound/video ect.) the problem that I am having is that when I run this in debug mode to see if it works, I type in the fields..and I click on the + button that is in the toolstrip..and it shows me that there is a record in there.

I exit out of the form and go back in and the record is gone LOL!!!

something tells me that I need to code the save button on this database?? and if so..can someone help me out with this?? and if not, if the code is done already for this can someone please explain to me what the heck is going on???heheheheee, I been searching high and low to this and just cant seem to get a clue!

I am making this for someone that does not have any database and is not on the internet at all and would like to have one so she can put her contacts in and when she needs to look one up she can.

The tutorial says it is for c+ but I figured I would follow along with it even though I am using because he never does any coding in this tutorial anyway!
well thats just it, I dont know how to code it LOL!!!

I mean yes, I am a newbie and yes this is my first project..but I have come a long way with this so I am in no way ummm..without a clue as far as codes for saving. but my experience so far is on a baby level. I have never dealt with this before and I really dont have a clue as to how to go about it..I only know that I need it LOL

you said that it is familiar to have this database operate like this in a debug mode. How can I be SURE that it wont do this when I hand it over to my user :(

I dont understand why it would do this in debug almost verges on flakey LOL

I mean I have done some reading on this and do understand that it is like that so your not "dirtying" the database with test data, but really how the hell are we suppose to see if it is working when it is set up like this LOL

guessing games are not one of my favorites..*sigh*

I will look at your link and see if I cant get a clue out of it, I am sure that if for no other reason...I will learn something :)
saved to favorites

thank you, I went there and quickly scanned through it as I just woke up and cant even think about JuMpInG in there just yet! (gotta do the Javaaa thing!)

I did save it to favorites so that I can look through it later today :)