Hello all,
Im having a little trouble with making the navigation for a very record heavy browser based frontend for sql server 2000.
What i wish to do is to amend my current search so as to create a temporary table that extracts only 12 (or so) records from a potentially very large returned set of results. Only these 12 will then be displayed at any one time in the browser. However when i try to insert records into my new temporary table i get an error message and iam unsure how to solve the problem.
The error i get is:
And my stored procedure..(with amendments noted):
I realise that it doesn't want me want me to make statements such as
from the select statement....but i need to...they are the search functionality.
Im pretty new to this so can anyone please let me know the best way to work around this issue?
Just to recap i select records from a very large table and then i wanted to make a new table and insert a small number these selected records into the new table...thats what it doesnt like. Thanks for taking the time to read this...i hope it makes sense.
Im having a little trouble with making the navigation for a very record heavy browser based frontend for sql server 2000.
What i wish to do is to amend my current search so as to create a temporary table that extracts only 12 (or so) records from a potentially very large returned set of results. Only these 12 will then be displayed at any one time in the browser. However when i try to insert records into my new temporary table i get an error message and iam unsure how to solve the problem.
The error i get is:
"Error 0: An INSERT statement cannot contain a SELECT statement that assigns values to a variable."
And my stored procedure..(with amendments noted):
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.XBP2_Search_browser
@JobNumber varchar(11)=NULL,
@DocumentID varchar(12)=NULL,
@StartDate datetime=NULL,
@EndDate datetime=NULL,
@NSC varchar(10)=NULL,
@FormType char(1)=NULL,
@StartValue decimal(10,2)=NULL,
@EndValue decimal(10,2)=NULL,
@Country char(2)=NULL,
@SignatureNo integer=NULL,
@Status varchar(28)=NULL,
----new bit (record heavy paging)----------
@pageNumber int,
@pageSize int,
@totalRecords int output
declare @Select as varchar(400)
--set dateformat dmy
declare @firstRecordInPage int
declare @lastRecordInPage int
--calculate the number of rows needed to get the current page size
select @firstRecordInPage = @pageNumber * @pageSize + 1
select @lastRecordInPage = @firstRecordInPage + @pageSize
--creates a temp table to copy the required data into
--add an additional ID column that is the primary key of this new table
--also acts as an identity that will number the records copied into the table
create table #singlePage
[ID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) not null,
[JobNumber] [varchar] (11) not null,
[DocumentID] [varchar] (12) not null,
[Entered] [datetime],
[Value] [numeric],
[NSC] [varchar] (10),
[StatusText] [varchar] (28),
[RejComments] [varchar] (100)
insert into #singlePage
(JobNumber, DocumentID, Entered, Value, NSC, StatusText, RejComments)
select @Select='SELECT JobNumber, DocumentID, Entered, coalesce(cast(Value as numeric(10,2)), 0), NSC, StatusText, RejComments FROM XBP2_JobReg WHERE'
if @JobNumber is not null select @Select=@Select + ' JobNumber like '''+@JobNumber+'%'' and '
if @DocumentID is not null select @Select=@Select + ' DocumentID like '''+@DocumentID+'%'' and '
if @StartDate is not null select @Select=@Select + ' datediff(dd,''' + convert(varchar(12),@StartDate,102) + ''',entered) >= 0 and '
if @EndDate is not null select @Select=@Select + ' datediff(dd,''' + convert(varchar(12),@EndDate,102) + ''',entered) <= 0 and '
if @NSC is not null select @Select=@Select + ' NSC like '''+@NSC+'%'' and '
if @FormType is not null select @Select=@Select + ' FormType='''+@FormType+''' and '
if @StartValue is not null select @Select=@Select + ' coalesce(Value, 0)>='+cast(@StartValue as varchar)+' and '
if @EndValue is not null select @Select=@Select + ' coalesce(Value, 0)<='+cast(@EndValue as varchar)+' and '
if @Country is not null select @Select=@Select + ' Country='''+@Country+''' and '
if @SignatureNo is not null select @Select=@Select + ' SignatureNo='''+@SignatureNo+''' and '
if @Status is not null select @Select=@Select + ' StatusText ='''+@Status+''' and '
select @Select=@select+' 1=1'+' order by jobnumber'
--select @select
exec (@Select)
I realise that it doesn't want me want me to make statements such as
if @JobNumber is not null select @Select=@Select + ' JobNumber like '''+@JobNumber+'%'' and '
from the select statement....but i need to...they are the search functionality.
Im pretty new to this so can anyone please let me know the best way to work around this issue?
Just to recap i select records from a very large table and then i wanted to make a new table and insert a small number these selected records into the new table...thats what it doesnt like. Thanks for taking the time to read this...i hope it makes sense.