Question Rebinding DGV Combobox Column. C#.Net 2008, Framework 3.5.


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2007
Programming Experience
I have a dgv that's bound to a table tblQuoteItems.
One of the columns of the dgv is ItemID which is a combobox column.
Its value is obtained from ItemID field of tblQuoteItems.
Before binding the dgv, the ItemID column is populated from
tblItems table containing fields ItemID and Item.
The ItemID column of the dgv has ItemID as valuemember and Item as
Now is it possible to rebind only the ItemID column while keeping the
dgv state intact i.e. without rebinding the dgv?
For example I open up a lookup form and modify tblItems table,
then I want the effect to be acted upon the ItemID column of the dgv
without affecting the state of the dgv.
I recalled BindDGVComboBox method defined underneath after modifying
the values of tblItems but of no avail. Please help.
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There's no re-binding required. The whole point of binding that any change to one end also affects the other. Just add a new item to the list bound to the combo box column and that's it. The list in the grid will update automatically if it's a DataTable. For some other lists you need to force the update by calling ResetBindings on your BindingSource.