In our business we have to read a lot of .csv files and import them into our system. The .csv files are not always laid out the same as these are generated by a third party.
Q1. when reading the file I am opening a stream reader and reading it line by line. I,m sure there is a faster way to do this, with classes. if so, can any one point me in the right direction to look at this
Q2. Currently when reading each line of the .csv file, it is read into array. New changes by a third party as added a comma as part of the data, so in the example record below, stripping the quotes befor loading it in the array will not work. Ids there a simple routine to strip the quotes from each element in the array?
"123456","12345678","MY NAME IS FRED", "157," ,"784452.00"
Q1. when reading the file I am opening a stream reader and reading it line by line. I,m sure there is a faster way to do this, with classes. if so, can any one point me in the right direction to look at this
Q2. Currently when reading each line of the .csv file, it is read into array. New changes by a third party as added a comma as part of the data, so in the example record below, stripping the quotes befor loading it in the array will not work. Ids there a simple routine to strip the quotes from each element in the array?
"123456","12345678","MY NAME IS FRED", "157," ,"784452.00"