Question Reading barcode from scanner


New member
Sep 25, 2010
Programming Experience

I want to use a barcode scanner to read barcode and appear in textbox. This is my first project involve barcode.
Can someone out there help me!!!


I want to use a barcode scanner to read barcode and appear in textbox. This is my first project involve barcode.
Can someone out there help me!!!


thus device (barcode scanner) will read barcode (input) and print it (output) on whatever field (textbox @ searchbox) ... even you use on notepad will print the barcode back as output.... which mean no coding need at this situation.
Ok thanks, Yes it works like you say.

How can I move to textbox2 after scanning textbox1 without hit tab or click mouse? I mean after scan first textbox then the cursor move to second textbox automatically.
do you mean move the 'input' (which contain the barcode) to another field ? or go to the next blank field ?

for both of them, u need to put a custom code to loop the active field (from tab no 1 to another..until finish).

i think, you should open another thread ( search before make new one, maybe there an existing question like you need). bcoz, you answer are not more related like the title "reading barcode from scanner".
Actually since all the barcode scanner is doing is basically entering the value and pressing enter you just have to simulate that in your code.

This should work for what you want:

    Private Sub TextBox1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyDown
        If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter Then
        End If
    End Sub