Unless you know for a fact that the binary form of the text you're replacing is exactly the same length as the binary form of the text you're replacing it with (which would be a rare thing) you can't just edit a text file in place. You almost always have to read the whole lot in and then write the whole lot back out again. If it's a small file then the best option is to read the whole lot into memory, edit it, then write the whole lot out again, e.g.
Dim lines = File.ReadAllLines(filePath)
'Edit the second line.
lines(1) = "new text here"
File.WriteAllLines(filePath, lines)
Where ReadAllText reads the entire file contents into a single String, ReadAllLines reads the lines of the file into a String array.
If the file might be large then it's not a good idea to store the whole thing in memory at the same time. In that case, you can read the file line by line and write it out to a temp file, editing as you go. When you're done, you can move the temp file and overwrite the original file, e.g.
Dim tempFilePath = Path.GetTempFileName()
Using reader As New StreamReader(filePath),
writer As New StreamWriter(tempFilePath)
Dim lineIndex = 0
Do Until reader.EndOfStream
Dim line = reader.ReadLine()
If lineIndex = 1 Then
line = "new text here"
End If
lineIndex += 1
End Using
My.Computer.FileSystem.MoveFile(tempFilePath, filePath, True)
or, from .NET 4.0:
Dim tempFilePath = Path.GetTempFileName()
Using writer As New StreamWriter(tempFilePath)
Dim lineIndex = 0
For Each line In File.ReadLines(filePath)
If lineIndex = 1 Then
line = "new text here"
End If
lineIndex += 1
End Using
My.Computer.FileSystem.MoveFile(tempFilePath, filePath, True)
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