Re-name setup project


Active member
May 25, 2011
Programming Experience
I managed to make a package and deployment in VS2008. Whwn I added
New Project -> Other types. I gave it the name Calc Days Setup because I thought it had to have a difrent name from the main app. When it installs now it installs as
Installing 'Calc Days Setup' I re-named the setup project in VS2008 to just 'Calc Days' but
it somehow uses the original name I created. Can I change this or have I got to remove the setup project and start again?


I think you mean ProductName, select setup project in Solution Explorer and have a look in Properties window.
No this is not right. I get a windows form.
Calc days properties page. Configuration drop down [Debug] or ]Release] and a configuration managr.
Package files drop down & Compression [speed etc]

Pre requisits

No name of package and deployment naming. I beleive when I added this package it asked me for the name of this package and that is the name it is sticking to. There is no way of changing this. I can go to solution explorer and right click on the name and re-name it but it is sticking with the name I originaly gave it.
What I am trying to say in pure English is this. Let’s assume that I want to create an application to calculate monthly interest in a bank. I will create an app called InterestCalculator. Having built and tested this. I want a package and deployment. I go to the top menu add select Add -> New project -> other project -> package and deployment and choose the wizard one. Is everyone with me THIS far. Page one of 5. Wants the name of the new project. I choose InterestCalculatorSetup. I have to give it a different name because it is going to create a second folder on my PC. As you are well aware of. No two folders can have the same name.
What Microsoft have done in their infinite wisdom is to create a package and deployment setup with the name InterestCalculatorSetup. Most people would want the name of the main project here instead. So there is no way of changing this name to reflect the name of the main project. Re-naming the second project (the package and deployment) by right clicking and re-naming makes no difference. Can anyone work around this daft senario?
What JohnH said is exactly correct. You just looked in the wrong place. DO NOT right-click the Setup project and select Properties. Select the Setup project in the Solution Explorer and then open the Properties window, i.e. the same window in which you set the properties of controls that you add to a form. There you will find the ProductName. Set that to what you want and you're done, just as JohnH said.
To simplify what JohnH and jmcilhinney have point out, look at this:


Don't right-click on the setup project, just select it then look at the properties. The ProductName is the name of the actual application, while the Title is the window title of the setup wizard. (As JohnH and jmcilhinney said)
