Re-Design Application Question


New member
Oct 10, 2007
Programming Experience
I have a question on how I should re-design an application. To keep things simple, it is a Financial Analysis tool in which, current relevant financial data is entered to produce graphs and charts that will enable us to make decisions about buying/selling various financial products.

Currently the system is comprised of about 30 excel spreadsheets, that our financial engineers enter data into. A strict process must be followed to ensure the integrity of all spreadsheets is kept. Our engineers start by entering up-to-date financial data into a couple of different spreadsheets, they then update(from the spreadsheets they just modified) about 10 different spreadsheets by pressing a button on each one, and modify the data on those sheets until they get their decision graphs looking exaclty how they want them. This is a very simplified version.

Obviously this current system is ineffecient and should be enhanced, but my question is should I keep the current application in excel or should re-write it using something like windows forms, a backend such as SQL Server, and reporting software or maybe a mixture of windows forms, and excel? There is quite a bit of numeric data(including historical data from years back), is this something that would be appopriate to keep in a database? Also, most of the spreadsheets are dependant on data entered into just a few, it seems like storing common data would be a good reason for a database?

Obviously there are numerous solutions, but any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks for the help!
You might find that a winforms app, linked to a database, and having a few crystal reports will cover the job well