Raising an event


New member
Sep 9, 2005
Programming Experience
Hi all,

I have a problem here. I got two class file which have the respective events i want to use for two different forms.
my form1 use the event from class file 1 and my form2 uses event from class file 2.
It worked perfectly but when my form 1 wanted to call the event from the file 2 which the event handlers are handle in form2.
It gets a null exception error.
The scenario is:
form1 gets gps data and save in in a textfile, immediately after that i wanted to trigger an event in form2 to read the data in the textfile and put the icon on the map.

The codes i use to trigger that event:
Friend Dim Mapevent As project name.class file name
mapevent.start( )

Is there something wrong with how i declare the event that i am getting the null exception error on this line below when the event is triggered?

public sub start( )
raiseEvent run<------------"Null Exception error"
end sub

Some help needed!!!