Question Radio buttons within scrolling form


Sep 26, 2011
Programming Experience
Hi all, my first post here.

This is something extremely simple and I'm already pulling my hair out for something so simple being unable to know how to fix it.

I have an employee evaluation form. There is only ONE form. It is set to AutoScroll because the space available within the screen is not enough. It has a total of 10 questions. Each question rates the employee from 5 to 1. I use radio buttons for each rate...

i.e.: Cooperation: RadioButton1 RadioButton2 RadioButton3 RadioButton4 RadioButton5

Where RadioButton1 is equal to 5 (points), RadioButton2 = 4, RadioButton3 = 3, and so forth.

My problem:

The first 4 questions are being displayed within the same screen (no need to scroll down) From the 5th question on, the user needs to scroll down to be able to see them. When any of the radio buttons is clicked from the 5th question to the 10th, it automatically sends the user all the way up to the top (beginning of the form), so the user needs to scroll back down and the radio button that was selected is not even clicked. If the users clicks it again, then it works. If the user clicks a different radio button it repeats the same scenario.

Any clue on why is this happening please? Any help I would appreciate it.


An update on this..

I just noticed that even if the user scrolls down the form just a little bit, and then any radio button is clicked (including questions 1 to 4), the form is sent all the way up to the top first, then the user can click the radio button.

It seems like it is somehow checking that the form is all the way up to the top so that the radio button can then be checked.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.
Resolved now..

Thank you for the reply.

Every set of questions is within their own groupboxes. There are 10 group boxes with 5 radio buttons within each of them.

I resolved this issue by playing around with the form settings/properties. What needs to be done is to adjust the AutoScrollMargin and AutoScrollMinSize properties accordingly so it determines how the whole form scrolling behaves.

A pain, but I figured it out.

Thanks anyway.
With a form with the same setup as you I don't see the misbehaviour you describe.
Thanks for the reply.

I found this old post on a Microsoft forum about someone reporting same issue. I didn't fix it based on that post, but at least someone else was having the same issue.

Not sure why it was doing that but it is all good now.

[How do I mark this post as Resolved?]

Thanks again.