Radar sensor

Mister Zippo

Active member
Dec 27, 2009
Programming Experience
Hello world

I am just began a new project where I would like to simulate ship radar functioning.

Better explained:

it send a signal from the transmitter, while the antenna is rotating for 360 degrees, if the signal sent meets some target it came back again to the receiver and from the receiver I have a signal to pass into a picaxe reading distance and angle of receipt, the picaxe send them to the computer where my vbnet project is running and this have to put a target (can be a picturebox or something other) exactly in the same point where the target was detected by the receiver considering space and angle.

Do you think this project possible to perform and do you have some idea to help me.?

all my best
big kiss
It's possible, but let me try and explain why I think you havent had any replies yet.

What do you actually need help with? The drawing? Storing the data? Communication? I personally have no idea what a "picaxe" is.

You need to be far more specific as to what you want to do, what you have already done, and what you want help with, before we can help you :)
Hello InertialM,
Thank you for your reply.

Well, sorry if you not have understand.I will try to be more clear:
I'm just tring to perform a visual basic program that can receive a digital signal that represent the analogic waveform received from the receiver antenna.
This means that if pc receive a little signal at 5 miles when the antenna is processing the 178° the vb.net program will have to place a picturebox (yellow colored) in the display at 5 miles distance at 178° angulation respect the centre of the screen.

But, if you have never seen the navigation radar is quite difficult to understand.

I hope to have tell something more.

What I need is an help in this:
-Which is the best and fastest way to collect analogic signal to the pc throught vb.net?

thanks a lot for your kind reply

all my best
yeah it's possible... well it is as long as you have something that can read the antenna. I'm assuming you're talking about a real antenna that exists and would need to be hooked up to the computer in some manner. Once that was hooked up, and windows could recognize it, then from there it's just hooking up to the interface of the antenna and displaying the information it feeds in.

From there you receive some numeric values... angle, resistance, etc. It's just some basic math to convert that to cartesian coordinates and draw said information to a graphics object of some sort.

If you are asking to write the device driver for the antenna in VB.Net... that would be a much larger undertaking for which I'm not sure if VB.Net would be the best choice.
hello lordofduct,
thnaks for your reply.

I see that you have well understand what I mean, but there is nobody from what I see that can help.

To do this I'm looking for a device, also to buy, no poroblem, that can be programmed and connected to the pc and collect analogue signal.

hope some gentleman can help

all my best