I have the following code, which works great, for moving a file from a folder to a control.
However, my manager want is to also work if he drags it from an email. any ideas on how I can add to this code to get it to work with an email as well.
Right now they have to drag it to the desktop and then drag it to the control.
Here is the current code that I am using:
in the control:
In the drag enter section I have the following:
Thank you
I have the following code, which works great, for moving a file from a folder to a control.
However, my manager want is to also work if he drags it from an email. any ideas on how I can add to this code to get it to work with an email as well.
Right now they have to drag it to the desktop and then drag it to the control.
Here is the current code that I am using:
in the control:
Private Sub Form_ScansImageAcquisition_DragDrop(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs) Handles Me.DragDrop
Dim files() As String = e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop)
RadioButton_BrowseForFile.Checked = True
SplitContainer2 = e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.Text)
For Each _path In files
_filename = _path
End Sub
In the drag enter section I have the following:
If e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop) Then
e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy
End If
Thank you