"project folder" VS "application data" [RESOLVED]


Oct 25, 2007
Programming Experience
Edit: I changed the company name In my project assembly properties :)


When we open a solution is it possible to change the project folder location of the project ?

I copied the solution Myapp to MyappDemo and I cannot change the project folder \Myapp to \MyappDemo without having error messages.

The problem is that the user data of MyappDemo.exe is saved in the "Local Settings" "\application data\Myapp" instead of "\application data\MyappDemo".

I tried everything in the solution settings with no succes and I suspect that the folder project name is the root to resolve that.

Thank you for any help,

Last edited:
I copied the solution Myapp to MyappDemo and I cannot change the project folder \Myapp to \MyappDemo without having error messages.

I do this often to duplicate projects that are very similar.. After copying the folder, I recursively rename all the files, and then use UltraEdit to find/replace in every file for the old_name -> new_name. I have never encountered a problem
I do this often to duplicate projects that are very similar.. After copying the folder, I recursively rename all the files, and then use UltraEdit to find/replace in every file for the old_name -> new_name. I have never encountered a problem

A good suggestion thanks

Is UltraEdit something like grep ?

More like Notepad on steroids. Textpad is a free, similar program (but I don't like it)