Progress bar and OpenFileDialog


Active member
Oct 13, 2011
Programming Experience

Can anyone give me an example how can i use the progress bar on OpenFileDialog.

I have tried searching google but there a none.

Thank you for your assistance.
Your question makes no sense, which would explain why you haven't been able to find an answer. An OpenFileDialog is a UI for the user to select a source file and a ProgressBar is a UI to display the progress of an operation. How exactly would you measure the progress of the user selecting a file?

Maybe you should try providing a FULL and CLEAR explanation of what you actually want to do. I suspect that what you want is to process the file in some way and display the progress of that. If so then the OpenFileDialog is completely irrelevant. The OpenFileDialog simply gives you the path of the file selected. That has absolutely no bearing on how you process the file. The path is just a String and where it came from makes no difference to how you use it. I think you need to put a bit more thought into what you're actually trying to achieve.

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