Programmatically open Word into tools/envelopes


New member
May 16, 2007
Programming Experience
I'd like to be able to fire an event in a VS05 winform that would programmatically open Word2000 into the "Envelopes & Labels" tool, and populate the address textbox with parameters passed from the windows app. Does anyone have experience in something like this?
This is possible with automation but there several questions to ask before a solution can be proposed.
Do you want the user to be able to use any version of Word or will it be limited to only one version (late binding versus adding a reference)?
Why not use a complete .NET solution without Word?
Will the user need to be able to select any type of label? ...
All the boxes in our network have Office2000, but we're upgrading to Office2007 soon. I can gear it up for 2000 now, then tweak it for 2007 when necessary.
The users prefer Word for printing envelopes only (barcode feature). I use SQL Reporting Services to generate their labels.
I suppose I could set up a referenced project solely for envelope printing.