Problems with updating a database


New member
May 15, 2007
Programming Experience
hi all first time posting so bear with me. ok here it goes. ive got a program that loads a listbox from a db(dbInv.). when you click an item in the list box it displays the item cost and the tax on that item. on my gui ive got a button(btnCalc) that initiates the calcuation after the calc happens my data (item & price & quantity) suppose to go to second db(dbCust). i know im supposed to use the update command and the code ive written compiles but does not save to the second db. i need help!!!!! this is the code ive come up with so far. this code is suppose to save the item name to the second db.

Private Sub updatecus()
Dim i As Integer
Dim newInfo As System.Data.DataRow
newInfo = DsCust1.tblCust.NewRow
With DsCust1
For i = 0 To (.tblCust.Count - 1)
.tblCust(i).Item("flditem") = lstItem.SelectedItem(DsInv1.tblInv(i).fldItem)
End With
Have a read of the DW2 link in my signature; there will be a box in the top right to make the article target .NET 3.0 if you need that.. Using the visual designer will help you a lot on this one..