Problem with Messenger Api


New member
Nov 24, 2009
Programming Experience
So I created an application with, I added Messenger type Api in preferences, compiled my program and everything was fine. However I can't run the program from other directories. It says that the .dll is missing. I'm trying to include the .dll to the program somehow - no success, how that should be done?

Friend tried to help me and said I should add "Application block" something to the references. I can't find that though.
Messenger API is a COM library and a local interop file is generated to enable your application to interact with it, this file 'Interop.MessengerAPI.dll' need be to be in same folder as your executable.
When using ClickOnce or Msi setup projects to install your application at client the interop file is automatically included.
JohnH: I want to include the .dll to my program, so it doesn't need external libraries. Is that possible? Also (i'm using Windows XP) after updates, it stopped working. It raises an exception
I want to include the .dll to my program, so it doesn't need external libraries. Is that possible?
No. It is possible to embed interop types in next version VS 2010 from what I can see.
okay now i got it, next thing is that due to security update of windows, the messenger api stopped working totally :( "outofmemoryexception" !