Problem with changing menustrips and mdi window list


Oct 18, 2007
Programming Experience
I have a main mdi parent form, which has multiple child forms. Each of the child forms can have a menustrip which replaces the parent form's menustrip when the child has focus (handled by a simple show/hide).

When the child gets focus, I set Me.MainMenu = childMenuStrip. I then set Me.mdiWindowListItem = childWindowMenu.

I keep track of each of the child's MenuStrips with a collection (colMenuStrips).

The problem arrises when I change the MenuStrip associated with the child form. I remove the old menu from the collection, then add the new one. I change Me.MainMenu and Me.mdiWindowListItem to reflect the new MenuStrip.

However, when I first click the Window menu dropdown, the mdi list does not show up. If I change focus to a different child window, then come back to the original window, the mdi list does show up.

I've tried refreshing/updating, the order I do things, etc, but no luck.

Any ideas?