problem when trying to get source code using visual source safe


New member
Mar 20, 2008
Programming Experience
hello guys,
If any one can help me like i am using visual studio and to maintain my data i use visual source safe right now problem is when i am trying to use visual source in studio and i am pointing to my local path to store the source code i can get 3 modules in a project like my project consist of 4 modules the last one when its trying to get from source safe it says " The project file "c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\xyz\xyz.vbproj" cannot be opened "The project type is not supported by the installation" and you know it runs correctly in other computer not my computer i dont know why??
no i dont have visualbasic installed on my machine i had only visualstudio 2003 and 2005 installed on my machine do i need to install visualbasic on my machine????
No, when you installed Visual Studio, was the VB compiler option enabled? When you install Visual Basic you have the option of installing the different compilers. The easiest way to tell is to open Visual Studio and create a new project. In the list you should have an option to create a visual basic project.
i can see visualbasic when i open new project in my visualstudio2005. I dont understand i can open other different projects lower version in 2003 studio but why can i open this new version which is build in 2005 should i uninstall visualstudio 2005 and install it again ?