Hello All,
I am having trouble updating the table in my database that corresponds
to my datagrid. I am able to change the first row of my datagrid but if
I change another row in the datagrid before clicking update then
only the first row gets updated and nothing else does.
This routine is in a called from an 'Update' button:
I am having trouble updating the table in my database that corresponds
to my datagrid. I am able to change the first row of my datagrid but if
I change another row in the datagrid before clicking update then
only the first row gets updated and nothing else does.
This routine is in a called from an 'Update' button:
Private Sub UpdateWholeBudgetTable()
Dim conn As New MySqlConnection
Dim myCommand As New MySqlCommand
Dim NoOfRows As Integer
Dim NoOfCols As Integer
Dim rowNo As Integer
Dim colNo As Integer
Dim budgetDate As String
Dim start_bal As Double
Dim remaining_bal As Double
Dim budget_id As Integer
conn.ConnectionString = GetConnectionString()
rowNo = 0
colNo = 0
NoOfRows = DataGrid2.VisibleRowCount()
NoOfCols = DataGrid2.VisibleColumnCount()
For rowNo = 0 To NoOfRows - 2
budget_id = DataGrid2.Item(rowNo, 0)
budgetDate = DataGrid2.Item(rowNo, 1)
start_bal = DataGrid2.Item(rowNo, 2)
remaining_bal = DataGrid2.Item(rowNo, 3)
myCommand.Connection = conn
myCommand.Parameters.Add("?id", budget_id)
myCommand.Parameters.Add("?date", budgetDate)
myCommand.Parameters.Add("?starting_balance", start_bal)
myCommand.Parameters.Add("?amount_left", remaining_bal)
myCommand.CommandText = "UPDATE db1.budget SET date = ?date, starting_balance = ?starting_balance, amount_left = ?amount_left WHERE (id = ?id);"
Catch myerror As MySqlException
MessageBox.Show("Error Connecting to Database: " & myerror.Message)
End Try
End Sub