Problem in vb 2005 and barcode reader


Jan 11, 2009
Programming Experience
Good evening

I want to create an application in vb 2005 and Access, but I want to use the barcode reader to read and save my data.

is there a way to use the barcode reader in vb 2005.

thank you.
There are numerous ways to use a barcode reader in 2005.

However, the code varies dramatically based on how it is connected to your PC. What type of connector does it have?
It either works like a USB keyboard, and types the letters that it scans, or it works as a serial port in which case you must connect to the com port it installs, and read the data there

Open Notepad
Plug in the scanner
Scan a barcode
Look at notepad

If notepad has nothing in it, your scanner is probably serial. I'd look for a switch to make it work like keyboard, or i'd send it back and buy a keyboard one - theyre much easier to work with