problem in attachment feild


New member
Oct 11, 2012
Programming Experience
Hello everybody,

am just now start my new program but I faced problem in attachment feild

I have attachment feild in access but when I take this datasource to visual basic it show like text box, the question is when I convert this text box to Picture box and when the user click this picture box it must show a box that contains list box of all attachments of that record + 3 button (add new attachment, remove attachment, open attachment)

can you give the code of this + how to save these attachment to database table

can you help me please???
I have researched this issue myself and in reading and experimenting with code I have never found a way to work with Access Attachment columns in VB.NET code. I'm fairly confident in saying that it's not possible. I would guess that it would require a change to the ACE OLE DB provider, which may or may not come with Office 2013.

Have a quick look at this which I found. You need to scroll down a few posts to get to the interesting stuff:-

show an access attachment in a picture box

I have not tried this myself since I was predominantly in Access 2003 in the past but let us know if it solves your problem.


Some interesting stuff in there. I'm not sure that the DAO Interop stuff is an option in most cases because it would require Access to be installed. The bit about removing the first 20 bytes is intriguing though.