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I'm using threads to send multiple pings simultaneously. I used a pocket sniffer to check that the send and request packages are well formed.
My app creates multiples threads, withing them a ping object is created witch uses a socket to perform the ICMP Ping.
The pings response time and timeouts are just not working.
any suggestions ?
PING class:
Option Explicit On
Imports System
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.Sockets
'* Class clsPing
'* Author : Paulo S. Silva Jr.
'* Date : September 2002
'* Objective : Ping a host and return basic informations
'* Class Properties
'* +------------+-------------+-------------------------------------------------+
'* | Name | Type | Description |
'* +------------+-------------+-------------------------------------------------+
'* | DataSize | Integer | Size of the data to be send to the host |
'* | Identifier | Integer | Identifier of ping packet |
'* | Sequence | Integer | Sequence of the packet |
'* | LocalHost | IPHostEntry | Info for Local Computer |
'* | TimeOut | Long | Time (in millisecons) of the time-out value |
'* | Host | Object | Host Entry for the remote computer |
'* +------------+-------------+-------------------------------------------------+
'* Class Methods
'* +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------+
'* | Name | Description |
'* +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------+
'* | PingHost | Pings the specified host |
'* +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------+
'* Parts of the code based on information from Visual Studio Magazine
'* more info : http://www.fawcette.com/vsm/2002_03/magazine/columns/qa/default.asp
Public Class clsPing
Public Structure stcError
Dim Number As Integer
Dim Description As String
End Structure
Private Const PING_ERROR_BASE As Long = &H8000
Public Const PING_SUCCESS As Long = 0
Public Const PING_ERROR As Long = (-1)
Private Const ICMP_ECHO As Integer = 8
Private Const SOCKET_ERROR As Integer = -1
Private udtError As stcError
Private Const intPortICMP As Integer = 7
Private Const intBufferHeaderSize As Integer = 8
Private Const intPackageHeaderSize As Integer = 28
Private byteDataSize As Byte
Private lngTimeOut As Long
Private ipheLocalHost As System.Net.IPHostEntry
Private ipheHost As System.Net.IPHostEntry
Private lngResponeMs As Long
Public Property TimeOut() As Long
Return lngTimeOut
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Long)
lngTimeOut = Value
End Set
End Property
Public Property DataSize() As Byte
Return byteDataSize
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Byte)
byteDataSize = Value
End Set
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property Identifier() As Byte
Return 0
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property responseTime() As Long
Return lngResponeMs
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property Sequence() As Byte
Return 0
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property LocalHost() As System.Net.IPHostEntry
Return ipheLocalHost
End Get
End Property
Public Property Host() As Object
Return ipheHost
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Object)
If (Value.GetType.ToString.ToLower = "system.string") Then
'* Find the Host's IP address
ipheHost = System.Net.Dns.GetHostByName(Value)
ipheHost = Nothing
udtError.Description = "Host " & ipheHost.HostName & " not found."
End Try
ElseIf (Value.GetType.ToString.ToLower = "system.net.iphostentry") Then
ipheHost = (Value)
ipheHost = Nothing
End If
End Set
End Property
'* Class Constructor
Public Sub New()
'* Initializes the parameters
byteDataSize = 32
lngTimeOut = 500
udtError = New stcError()
'* Get local IP and transform in EndPoint
ipheLocalHost = System.Net.Dns.GetHostByName(System.Net.Dns.GetHostName())
'* Defines Host
ipheHost = Nothing
End Sub
'* Function : PingHost
'* Author : Paulo dos Santos Silva Jr
'* Date : 05/09/2002
'* Objective : Pings a specified host
'* Parameters : Host as String
'* Returns : Response time in milliseconds
'* (-1) if error
Public Function Ping() As Long
Dim intCount As Integer
Dim aReplyBuffer(255) As Byte
Dim intNBytes As Integer = 0
Dim intEnd As Integer
Dim intStart As Integer
Dim epFrom As System.Net.EndPoint
Dim epServer As System.Net.EndPoint
Dim ipepServer As System.Net.IPEndPoint
lngResponeMs = -1
'* Transforms the IP address in EndPoint
ipepServer = New System.Net.IPEndPoint(ipheHost.AddressList(0), 0)
epServer = CType(ipepServer, System.Net.EndPoint)
epFrom = New System.Net.IPEndPoint(ipheLocalHost.AddressList(0), 0)
'* Builds the packet to send
DataSize = Convert.ToByte(DataSize + intBufferHeaderSize)
'* The packet must by an even number, so if the DataSize is and odd number adds one
If (DataSize Mod 2 = 1) Then
DataSize += Convert.ToByte(1)
End If
Dim aRequestBuffer(DataSize - 1) As Byte
'* --- ICMP Echo Header Format ---
'* (first 8 bytes of the data buffer)
'* Buffer (0) ICMP Type Field
'* Buffer (1) ICMP Code Field
'* (must be 0 for Echo and Echo Reply)
'* Buffer (2) checksum hi
'* (must be 0 before checksum calc)
'* Buffer (3) checksum lo
'* (must be 0 before checksum calc)
'* Buffer (4) ID hi
'* Buffer (5) ID lo
'* Buffer (6) sequence hi
'* Buffer (7) sequence lo
'* Buffer (8).. Ping Data
'* Set Type Field
aRequestBuffer(0) = Convert.ToByte(8) ' ECHO Request
'* Set ID field
BitConverter.GetBytes(Identifier).CopyTo(aRequestBuffer, 4)
'* Set Sequence
BitConverter.GetBytes(Sequence).CopyTo(aRequestBuffer, 6)
'* Load some data into buffer
Dim i As Integer
For i = 8 To DataSize - 1
aRequestBuffer(i) = Convert.ToByte(i Mod 8)
Next i
'* Calculate Checksum
Call CreateChecksum(aRequestBuffer, DataSize, aRequestBuffer(2), aRequestBuffer(3))
'* Try send the packet
'* Create the socket
Dim sckSocket As New System.Net.Sockets.Socket( _
Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork, _
Net.Sockets.SocketType.Raw, _
sckSocket.Blocking = False
'* Sends Package
sckSocket.SendTo(aRequestBuffer, 0, DataSize, SocketFlags.None, ipepServer)
'* Records the Start Time, after sending the Echo Request
intStart = System.Environment.TickCount
'* Waits for response
intNBytes = sckSocket.ReceiveFrom(aReplyBuffer, SocketFlags.None, epServer)
Catch objErr As Exception
End Try
Loop Until (intNBytes > 0) Or ((System.Environment.TickCount - intStart) > TimeOut)
sckSocket = Nothing
'* Check to see if the TimeOut was hit
If ((System.Environment.TickCount - intStart) > TimeOut) Then
udtError.Number = PING_ERROR_TIME_OUT
udtError.Description = "Time Out"
End If
'* Records End Time
intEnd = System.Environment.TickCount
If (intNBytes > 0) Then
'* Informs on GetLastError the state of the server
udtError.Number = (aReplyBuffer(19) * &H100) + aReplyBuffer(20)
Select Case aReplyBuffer(20)
Case 0 : udtError.Description = "Success"
Case 1 : udtError.Description = "Buffer too Small"
Case 2 : udtError.Description = "Destination Unreahable"
Case 3 : udtError.Description = "Dest Host Not Reachable"
Case 4 : udtError.Description = "Dest Protocol Not Reachable"
Case 5 : udtError.Description = "Dest Port Not Reachable"
Case 6 : udtError.Description = "No Resources Available"
Case 7 : udtError.Description = "Bad Option"
Case 8 : udtError.Description = "Hardware Error"
Case 9 : udtError.Description = "Packet too Big"
Case 10 : udtError.Description = "Reqested Timed Out"
Case 11 : udtError.Description = "Bad Request"
Case 12 : udtError.Description = "Bad Route"
Case 13 : udtError.Description = "TTL Exprd In Transit"
Case 14 : udtError.Description = "TTL Exprd Reassemb"
Case 15 : udtError.Description = "Parameter Problem"
Case 16 : udtError.Description = "Source Quench"
Case 17 : udtError.Description = "Option too Big"
Case 18 : udtError.Description = "Bad Destination"
Case 19 : udtError.Description = "Address Deleted"
Case 20 : udtError.Description = "Spec MTU Change"
Case 21 : udtError.Description = "MTU Change"
Case 22 : udtError.Description = "Unload"
Case Else : udtError.Description = "General Failure"
End Select
End If
lngResponeMs = (intEnd - intStart)
Return (intEnd - intStart)
Catch oExcept As Exception
End Try
End Function
Public Function GetLastError() As stcError
Return udtError
End Function
' ICMP requires a checksum that is the one's
' complement of the one's complement sum of
' all the 16-bit values in the data in the
' buffer.
' Use this procedure to load the Checksum
' field of the buffer.
' The Checksum Field (hi and lo bytes) must be
' zero before calling this procedure.
Private Sub CreateChecksum(ByRef data() As Byte, ByVal Size As Integer, ByRef HiByte As Byte, ByRef LoByte As Byte)
Dim i As Integer
Dim chk As Integer = 0
For i = 0 To Size - 1 Step 2
chk += Convert.ToInt32(data(i) * &H100 + data(i + 1))
chk = Convert.ToInt32((chk And &HFFFF&) + Fix(chk / &H10000&))
chk += Convert.ToInt32(Fix(chk / &H10000&))
chk = Not (chk)
HiByte = Convert.ToByte((chk And &HFF00) / &H100)
LoByte = Convert.ToByte(chk And &HFF)
End Sub
End Class
Test Class with Trhead:
Imports System.Threading.Thread
Imports System.Threading.ThreadState
Public Class clsTest
Dim MyThread As New System.Threading.Thread(AddressOf execute)
Public timerInterval As Long
Public bContinueRunning As Boolean
Public id As Long
Public ip As String
Public txtLog As Object
Public lstView As ListView
Public Sub New()
timerInterval = 60000 * 2 ' 2 mins.
bContinueRunning = False
ip = ""
End Sub
Private Sub execute()
While bContinueRunning = True
Dim status As String
Dim iResponse As Long
'Dim oPing As New icmpPing.clsPing()
Dim oPing As New clsPing()
txtLog.text = lstView.Items(id).SubItems(3).Text()
oPing.Host = lstView.Items(id).SubItems(3).Text()
oPing.TimeOut = 2000
oPing.DataSize = 32
iResponse = oPing.Ping()
'* Check for error
If (iResponse < 0) Then
lstView.Items(id).SubItems(5).Text() = "-1"
lstView.Items(id).SubItems(5).Text() = oPing.responseTime
End If
status = oPing.GetLastError().Description
lstView.Items(id).SubItems(1).Text() = status
lstView.Items(id).SubItems(4).Text() = Val(lstView.Items(id).SubItems(4).Text()) + 1
lstView.Items(id).SubItems(6).Text() = Now.ToString
oPing = Nothing
If bContinueRunning = True Then MyThread.Sleep(timerInterval)
End While
'slepp timerInterval
End Sub
Public Sub startTest()
If MyThread.ThreadState = Unstarted Then
End If
bContinueRunning = True
End Sub
Public Sub stopTest()
bContinueRunning = False
End Sub
Public Sub execTest()
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
MyThread = Nothing
End Sub
End Class
My app creates multiples threads, withing them a ping object is created witch uses a socket to perform the ICMP Ping.
The pings response time and timeouts are just not working.
any suggestions ?
PING class:
Option Explicit On
Imports System
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.Sockets
'* Class clsPing
'* Author : Paulo S. Silva Jr.
'* Date : September 2002
'* Objective : Ping a host and return basic informations
'* Class Properties
'* +------------+-------------+-------------------------------------------------+
'* | Name | Type | Description |
'* +------------+-------------+-------------------------------------------------+
'* | DataSize | Integer | Size of the data to be send to the host |
'* | Identifier | Integer | Identifier of ping packet |
'* | Sequence | Integer | Sequence of the packet |
'* | LocalHost | IPHostEntry | Info for Local Computer |
'* | TimeOut | Long | Time (in millisecons) of the time-out value |
'* | Host | Object | Host Entry for the remote computer |
'* +------------+-------------+-------------------------------------------------+
'* Class Methods
'* +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------+
'* | Name | Description |
'* +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------+
'* | PingHost | Pings the specified host |
'* +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------+
'* Parts of the code based on information from Visual Studio Magazine
'* more info : http://www.fawcette.com/vsm/2002_03/magazine/columns/qa/default.asp
Public Class clsPing
Public Structure stcError
Dim Number As Integer
Dim Description As String
End Structure
Private Const PING_ERROR_BASE As Long = &H8000
Public Const PING_SUCCESS As Long = 0
Public Const PING_ERROR As Long = (-1)
Private Const ICMP_ECHO As Integer = 8
Private Const SOCKET_ERROR As Integer = -1
Private udtError As stcError
Private Const intPortICMP As Integer = 7
Private Const intBufferHeaderSize As Integer = 8
Private Const intPackageHeaderSize As Integer = 28
Private byteDataSize As Byte
Private lngTimeOut As Long
Private ipheLocalHost As System.Net.IPHostEntry
Private ipheHost As System.Net.IPHostEntry
Private lngResponeMs As Long
Public Property TimeOut() As Long
Return lngTimeOut
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Long)
lngTimeOut = Value
End Set
End Property
Public Property DataSize() As Byte
Return byteDataSize
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Byte)
byteDataSize = Value
End Set
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property Identifier() As Byte
Return 0
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property responseTime() As Long
Return lngResponeMs
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property Sequence() As Byte
Return 0
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property LocalHost() As System.Net.IPHostEntry
Return ipheLocalHost
End Get
End Property
Public Property Host() As Object
Return ipheHost
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Object)
If (Value.GetType.ToString.ToLower = "system.string") Then
'* Find the Host's IP address
ipheHost = System.Net.Dns.GetHostByName(Value)
ipheHost = Nothing
udtError.Description = "Host " & ipheHost.HostName & " not found."
End Try
ElseIf (Value.GetType.ToString.ToLower = "system.net.iphostentry") Then
ipheHost = (Value)
ipheHost = Nothing
End If
End Set
End Property
'* Class Constructor
Public Sub New()
'* Initializes the parameters
byteDataSize = 32
lngTimeOut = 500
udtError = New stcError()
'* Get local IP and transform in EndPoint
ipheLocalHost = System.Net.Dns.GetHostByName(System.Net.Dns.GetHostName())
'* Defines Host
ipheHost = Nothing
End Sub
'* Function : PingHost
'* Author : Paulo dos Santos Silva Jr
'* Date : 05/09/2002
'* Objective : Pings a specified host
'* Parameters : Host as String
'* Returns : Response time in milliseconds
'* (-1) if error
Public Function Ping() As Long
Dim intCount As Integer
Dim aReplyBuffer(255) As Byte
Dim intNBytes As Integer = 0
Dim intEnd As Integer
Dim intStart As Integer
Dim epFrom As System.Net.EndPoint
Dim epServer As System.Net.EndPoint
Dim ipepServer As System.Net.IPEndPoint
lngResponeMs = -1
'* Transforms the IP address in EndPoint
ipepServer = New System.Net.IPEndPoint(ipheHost.AddressList(0), 0)
epServer = CType(ipepServer, System.Net.EndPoint)
epFrom = New System.Net.IPEndPoint(ipheLocalHost.AddressList(0), 0)
'* Builds the packet to send
DataSize = Convert.ToByte(DataSize + intBufferHeaderSize)
'* The packet must by an even number, so if the DataSize is and odd number adds one
If (DataSize Mod 2 = 1) Then
DataSize += Convert.ToByte(1)
End If
Dim aRequestBuffer(DataSize - 1) As Byte
'* --- ICMP Echo Header Format ---
'* (first 8 bytes of the data buffer)
'* Buffer (0) ICMP Type Field
'* Buffer (1) ICMP Code Field
'* (must be 0 for Echo and Echo Reply)
'* Buffer (2) checksum hi
'* (must be 0 before checksum calc)
'* Buffer (3) checksum lo
'* (must be 0 before checksum calc)
'* Buffer (4) ID hi
'* Buffer (5) ID lo
'* Buffer (6) sequence hi
'* Buffer (7) sequence lo
'* Buffer (8).. Ping Data
'* Set Type Field
aRequestBuffer(0) = Convert.ToByte(8) ' ECHO Request
'* Set ID field
BitConverter.GetBytes(Identifier).CopyTo(aRequestBuffer, 4)
'* Set Sequence
BitConverter.GetBytes(Sequence).CopyTo(aRequestBuffer, 6)
'* Load some data into buffer
Dim i As Integer
For i = 8 To DataSize - 1
aRequestBuffer(i) = Convert.ToByte(i Mod 8)
Next i
'* Calculate Checksum
Call CreateChecksum(aRequestBuffer, DataSize, aRequestBuffer(2), aRequestBuffer(3))
'* Try send the packet
'* Create the socket
Dim sckSocket As New System.Net.Sockets.Socket( _
Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork, _
Net.Sockets.SocketType.Raw, _
sckSocket.Blocking = False
'* Sends Package
sckSocket.SendTo(aRequestBuffer, 0, DataSize, SocketFlags.None, ipepServer)
'* Records the Start Time, after sending the Echo Request
intStart = System.Environment.TickCount
'* Waits for response
intNBytes = sckSocket.ReceiveFrom(aReplyBuffer, SocketFlags.None, epServer)
Catch objErr As Exception
End Try
Loop Until (intNBytes > 0) Or ((System.Environment.TickCount - intStart) > TimeOut)
sckSocket = Nothing
'* Check to see if the TimeOut was hit
If ((System.Environment.TickCount - intStart) > TimeOut) Then
udtError.Number = PING_ERROR_TIME_OUT
udtError.Description = "Time Out"
End If
'* Records End Time
intEnd = System.Environment.TickCount
If (intNBytes > 0) Then
'* Informs on GetLastError the state of the server
udtError.Number = (aReplyBuffer(19) * &H100) + aReplyBuffer(20)
Select Case aReplyBuffer(20)
Case 0 : udtError.Description = "Success"
Case 1 : udtError.Description = "Buffer too Small"
Case 2 : udtError.Description = "Destination Unreahable"
Case 3 : udtError.Description = "Dest Host Not Reachable"
Case 4 : udtError.Description = "Dest Protocol Not Reachable"
Case 5 : udtError.Description = "Dest Port Not Reachable"
Case 6 : udtError.Description = "No Resources Available"
Case 7 : udtError.Description = "Bad Option"
Case 8 : udtError.Description = "Hardware Error"
Case 9 : udtError.Description = "Packet too Big"
Case 10 : udtError.Description = "Reqested Timed Out"
Case 11 : udtError.Description = "Bad Request"
Case 12 : udtError.Description = "Bad Route"
Case 13 : udtError.Description = "TTL Exprd In Transit"
Case 14 : udtError.Description = "TTL Exprd Reassemb"
Case 15 : udtError.Description = "Parameter Problem"
Case 16 : udtError.Description = "Source Quench"
Case 17 : udtError.Description = "Option too Big"
Case 18 : udtError.Description = "Bad Destination"
Case 19 : udtError.Description = "Address Deleted"
Case 20 : udtError.Description = "Spec MTU Change"
Case 21 : udtError.Description = "MTU Change"
Case 22 : udtError.Description = "Unload"
Case Else : udtError.Description = "General Failure"
End Select
End If
lngResponeMs = (intEnd - intStart)
Return (intEnd - intStart)
Catch oExcept As Exception
End Try
End Function
Public Function GetLastError() As stcError
Return udtError
End Function
' ICMP requires a checksum that is the one's
' complement of the one's complement sum of
' all the 16-bit values in the data in the
' buffer.
' Use this procedure to load the Checksum
' field of the buffer.
' The Checksum Field (hi and lo bytes) must be
' zero before calling this procedure.
Private Sub CreateChecksum(ByRef data() As Byte, ByVal Size As Integer, ByRef HiByte As Byte, ByRef LoByte As Byte)
Dim i As Integer
Dim chk As Integer = 0
For i = 0 To Size - 1 Step 2
chk += Convert.ToInt32(data(i) * &H100 + data(i + 1))
chk = Convert.ToInt32((chk And &HFFFF&) + Fix(chk / &H10000&))
chk += Convert.ToInt32(Fix(chk / &H10000&))
chk = Not (chk)
HiByte = Convert.ToByte((chk And &HFF00) / &H100)
LoByte = Convert.ToByte(chk And &HFF)
End Sub
End Class
Test Class with Trhead:
Imports System.Threading.Thread
Imports System.Threading.ThreadState
Public Class clsTest
Dim MyThread As New System.Threading.Thread(AddressOf execute)
Public timerInterval As Long
Public bContinueRunning As Boolean
Public id As Long
Public ip As String
Public txtLog As Object
Public lstView As ListView
Public Sub New()
timerInterval = 60000 * 2 ' 2 mins.
bContinueRunning = False
ip = ""
End Sub
Private Sub execute()
While bContinueRunning = True
Dim status As String
Dim iResponse As Long
'Dim oPing As New icmpPing.clsPing()
Dim oPing As New clsPing()
txtLog.text = lstView.Items(id).SubItems(3).Text()
oPing.Host = lstView.Items(id).SubItems(3).Text()
oPing.TimeOut = 2000
oPing.DataSize = 32
iResponse = oPing.Ping()
'* Check for error
If (iResponse < 0) Then
lstView.Items(id).SubItems(5).Text() = "-1"
lstView.Items(id).SubItems(5).Text() = oPing.responseTime
End If
status = oPing.GetLastError().Description
lstView.Items(id).SubItems(1).Text() = status
lstView.Items(id).SubItems(4).Text() = Val(lstView.Items(id).SubItems(4).Text()) + 1
lstView.Items(id).SubItems(6).Text() = Now.ToString
oPing = Nothing
If bContinueRunning = True Then MyThread.Sleep(timerInterval)
End While
'slepp timerInterval
End Sub
Public Sub startTest()
If MyThread.ThreadState = Unstarted Then
End If
bContinueRunning = True
End Sub
Public Sub stopTest()
bContinueRunning = False
End Sub
Public Sub execTest()
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
MyThread = Nothing
End Sub
End Class