Problem dim'ing a custom component


New member
Jan 19, 2010
Programming Experience
The last time I used VB for anything serious was VB 4. I'm brand new to VB 2008. I'm trying to use it to write a program around a custom ActiveX control provided by a third party vendor, and I'm having difficulty figuring out how to dim the component.

The component is an EXE file. I added it to the project (it shows up under the WindowsApplication1 list in the solution explorer). Then I opened it by double-clicking on the name. In the Object Browser the component shows up as a container named Mach4 (I assume the books icon indicates a container). Under that is a namespace named Mach4 (again, assuming the braces icon means namespace). Under that is a class named "CMach4Doc" (assuming the multicolored boxes icon means class).

My form code looks like this:

Public Class Form1
Dim mach As Mach4.Mach4
mach = GetObject(, "Mach4.Document")
Dim scriptObject As Mach4.IMyScriptObject
scriptObject = mach.GetScriptDispatch()
End Class

I copied this from a thread on the support forum for the program I'm using. When I run it I get a type not defined error on both Dim lines. I also tried changing the line to:

Dim mach As Mach4.CMach4Doc

This doesn't match what I read in the other forum, but the Object Browser pretty clearly shows that the class name is CMach4Doc, so this seems logical. I still get the same error.

I'm sure I'm missing something stupid about including the object definitions in the project, or my syntax is slightly off or something, but I'm stuck.