Question Prise Listing and Invoice


New member
Sep 7, 2012
Programming Experience
Above in Image is my Application, Im Creating one project on TV Prise Listing and Invoice Generation,
I'm trying to do that with if...else condition but its very long and time sperm because there is many brands and discounts, Size, etc, So can you help me to do it easy...?
Thanks In Advance Dear:smug:
yah Thanks for Idea, but here many brands and many Qty. and Etc, So this will Manage???
I mean if i have stored data in access database, and then how to use it and using what If..Else Condition?
There are several ways to go about doing this, such as querying the database each time the user changes a dropdown selection, or reading the data into memory at startup and then working with it. Using LINQ queries you can pretty easily query either a database or XML based on what the user has selected in the form. Take a shot at doing something with whichever option you choose and then I'm sure people here on the forum can help you refine it.

Good luck!
Like most others that help out on the forum I'm willing to help explain things or identify problems in code that you post, but I don't have time to write stuff from scratch. You should try something first then post what you have if you still have problems. You'll learn more by trying yourself first and learning from your mistakes.