printing POS reciepts


New member
Sep 17, 2007
Programming Experience
Hi All,
I actually need help with printing reciepts using thermal printer
the situation is i have a touch screen machine that generates Tokens
now when the user clicks on the button his token is printed out with the token no on it(the token no
is generated from an mysql database) with the company logo displayed on top and few texts underneath

i am using to create the application but i donno how to print the token receipt
the machine has epson japos driver already installed in it

can some one please help me with it

Thanks a lot in advance
Do you have the printer programming manual? Can you find out if it accepts TCP/IP connections?

I've found that it's sometimes easier to send information directly to the printer, rather than use the driver, as it gives you more possibilities.

For example, we have numerous Toshiba label printers here. Rather than install the printer driver on each printer, I just send the label definition to the printer via TCP.
right now we are using java software to do the task (of printing the tokens) and i think it does accept TCP/IP connections
since java turns the system slow so we are tryin to migrate it to .net platform