Print RTB


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2008
Programming Experience
Moving from VB6 to VB.Net (2005) is brutal. Things that I could do in my sleep not take me hours of research and study to accomplish. There are a lot of things I love about the interface and editor, but other things are just crazy.

The worst part is, 90% of the sample code I find won't run. I've been trying to print the contents of a RichTextbox control. I've found 3 examples and none work!

MSDN India - Article

The example above was the closest but it uses the "Print" member. VB.Net tells me that "Print" is not a member of the RichTextBoxControl. Now, granted, this is an old example, but still, how much could have changed.

This happens to me soooooooooo much with VB.Net
The example above was the closest but it uses the "Print" member. VB.Net tells me that "Print" is not a member of the RichTextBoxControl. Now, granted, this is an old example, but still, how much could have changed.
The example is not using the default RichTextBox control, it it using a modified one, you have missed the steps 2 & 3 in article description. While that is old .Net it is likely using a common Win32 API solution to print RTB wysiwyg, so your further research will most likely end up with the same solution anyway. Give it a go again.