Print Preview Issues


Dec 11, 2008
Programming Experience
I am currently working on a text editor, and I seem to have an issue with the print preview control.

When I first run the program and then click on File -> Print Preview the dialog comes up fine. If I try to do so again an error comes up telling me that I cannot access a disposed object (the print preview dialog). However I am unaware of ever telling the program to dispose of it.

And It does not matter if I enter text into the text box, and when I do it, it still comes up with the error upon the second attempt at viewing the print preview.

I copied the code for this right out of a program I made to learn to print. Between that program and the one I am working on only the names of controls differs.

here is the code for the print preview control
        Catch ex As Exception
            MessageBox.Show("An error has occured whil trying to show the print preview." & vbNewLine & _
                            "Detials: " & ex.Message, "SimpEdit Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
        End Try
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Are you using the default form instance, or simply not telling us you declared a variable and created an instance yourself? In the latter case the form is disposed when closed, an dyou have to create a new form instance. Better use the default form instance if you don't need multiple instance showing at the same time.