Porting VSTO Excel program from Office 07 to 03


Jan 5, 2009
Programming Experience
Hi all,

I made an application modifying Excel files referencing v12 COM component with Office 2007 and now I want to make a compatiable version for Office 2003.

I removed the v12 reference to Office & Excel, copied to another PC (with Office 2003) and referenced v11 Excel & Office COM objects.

Problem is it tells me that Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range isnt a valid reference anymore! Is there anything else I need to change to make this compatiable?

Thanks for any help,
Alex Webb
I have now fixed this issue by re-installing Office 03 with the Complete option so it includes programability components.

One thing though; will this program only work on a PC with the programability components (v11 COM entries) installed with office? I know you need this in order to develop it but does this go for just using it as well???

I get "Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel...'