I'm a newb to Vb.net, but i've written a few things in VBA. I'm attempting to populate cells in Excel and failing miserably. Here's what I have so far (I grabbed the Dims from other parts of the code to show them here. The part that is not working is opening/filling in the Cell values:
Public Class Form1
Dim Excel As Excel.Application
Dim WorkBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim xlSheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim xlCells As Excel.Range
Private Sub Submit(ByVal LastRev As String, ByVal LastBOM As String)
Dim BuildType As String
If Form3.LeadOptionButton.Checked = True Then BuildType = "Leaded"
If Form3.RoHSOptionButton.Checked = True Then BuildType = "Pb-Free"
If Form3.UnknownOptionButton.Checked = True Then BuildType = "Unknown"
Dim BuildType As String
If Form3.LeadOptionButton.Checked = True Then BuildType = "Leaded"
If Form3.RoHSOptionButton.Checked = True Then BuildType = "Pb-Free"
If Form3.UnknownOptionButton.Checked = True Then BuildType = "Unknown"
Excel = New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application
WorkBook = Excel.Workbooks.Open("L:\Projects\" & ProjectIDA & "\Product_Traveler\" & ProjectIDA & "_Traveler.xlsx")
xlCells("C2").Value = ProjectIDA
xlCells("J2").Value = Form3.AssyQTYText.Text
xlCells("A4").Value = BuildType
xlCells("E2").Value = Form3.PartNumberText.Text
xlCells("I2").Value = Form3.CustRevText.Text
xlCells("H4").Value = Form3.FabDateText.Text
MsgBox("Project " & ProjectIDA & " Submitted for Assembly", vbOKOnly)
End Sub
End Class