Plotter Class: Code Module & Form or just a Form?


Oct 30, 2007
Programming Experience
I want to create a Plotter Class for use with some differential equations projects which need to create 2D or 3D plots of the points generated by numerical solution of equations.

I expect to use it with several projects. It seems to me that I should have a Code Module which controls the plotting and which interfaces with the differential equations applications.

When solving several equations, the logic seems simpler if a module disposes of an existing form & loads a new one.

Does the above seem reasonable? Might there be reasons to have all the code associated with the form & not have a Code Module?
It seems to me you should create classes, which expose a method that returns a plot of the points. The UI is then responsible for disposing of the forms, or otherwise handling the output of the command. If you're using the equations in different applications, the code that handles the equations should not be aware of the form at all for maximum portability.