Question Please help with combobox


Active member
Jul 23, 2010
Programming Experience
i need help with combobox in
i try to add several columns in the combo,so i want when i select one item in the combo (this item is composed from 3 words for example),so i want the text in the combobox not to be composed from these 3 words but from one of these 3 word.
this is what i need.
so to test the combobox,i tried when i select an item in the combobox (what ever this item) to set manually the text in the combo and that is the impossible,so i noticed that when i select an item in the combo box ,it's been selected in the combo so it's impossible to change the selection so i tried :combobox1.SelectionLength = -1 but it throw an exception and i fail.and i tried everything i can and no result.
so i know the key is to unselect the selection in the combo,then set manually the text,it's like to click in the textarea of the combo to unselect the item selected.
so i need your experience.
thank you for help.