PLEASE HELP - JIT Debugging Errors


New member
Mar 14, 2007
Programming Experience
Good Morning - If someone could help me out, I'd be eternally grateful. First, I am using the trial version of Visual Studio .net 2005 Professional with Crystal Reports. I developed a simple windows form program to display a Crystal Report in the Crystal Report Viewer control. It does some other stuff, but primarily it displays and exports reports.

I can build and debug the program without an issue. I test it on my PC and it works great. I then changed the project to a "release" build. Again, I can run the executable without issue on my PC. As soon as I move the program to another computer that does not have the same security settings as my PC, it immediately throws the "JIT Debugging failed with the following error: Access Is Denied" error message. It does not even display the form. On the source PC, I think I found every option that references debugging and I turned it off. Yet I still have the same JIT debugging errors on the second PC.

EDIT: I should add that I do not want the solution to be "add your username to the Debugger Users group". I'd like to know how I can disable all debugging so end users do not get this exception.

Can anyone please help???

Thanks for your time.
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I wouldn't be so sure that the problem was with the JIT debugger. Once you get to the executable stage what's to be debugged?

Since you are using
the trial version of Visual Studio .Net 2005 Professional
I am guessing that you have not had it installed too long. Therefore, it is probably using the Net Framework 2.0. I suspect that the computer you are trying to run the exe on either does not have the Net Framework installed or has Net Framework 1.0.
I would check and see what version of the Net Framework you have installed on your computer and then make sure the other computer has the same version.
You can just download it from Microsoft here:

Good Luck