Lost on this one. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Have an issue with a vb.net program regarding vfpoledb not being registered. The fix is supposed to be change the target platform from Any CPU to x86. The x86 platform is not an option on my vs 2013. Created the x86 choice through the configuration manager but I am certain it is simply a copy of Any CPU due to the method of copy from the Any CPU source. The .exe from both areas \bin\release and \bin\x86\release are identical in size and the new .exe did not fix the vfpoledb issue. After further investigation it was suggested that after I did the copy edit the csproj file which does not exist in this vs but vbproj does. Can anyone tell me a way out of this labyrnth - I have removed the x86 created choice in hopes of creating a new proper x86 platform with 32 bit drivers that will allow the vfpoledb driver to be registered. Again any insights will be greatly appreciated!