Pick out record set from xml [HELP]


Nov 6, 2007
Programming Experience
Hi all,

I have a web service that is return xml file with anode list.
The node list is formatted so that the a parent node is a primary key and all related values are child node so as to make it easy to put into a DB .

My problem is I can't figure out how to pull out a record set or list of record sets from the xml. To be exact I can think of ways to do it but i was thinking that .net must have a easy way to do this.

I'm sorry for asking but I’m just having no luck on google with this.

Thanks in advance

- Elfman
No there one level down. As I said I know of at least one way to manually go through it but I'm wondering if there's an easy way of grabbing all associated nodes in one go, Seems like there should be given the way xml is used in web services.

Any ideas?
The way xml is used in web services is to describe content, so that content could for example be a DataSet. Normally you consume a webservice by creating a proxy class that strongly types the methods and return types. Interacting with it is done like other class objects, and not by parsing Xml nodes (unless the return type of a webmethod actually is XmlNode(s))