Active member
I need to write a procedure which will allow me to set readonly attributes for certain objects, for example:
My form contains two text boxes box1, box2.
My sub procecdure will contain code which sets box1.readonly() = true, but i dont want to name the "box1" in the sub procedure but pass it as a parameter....
I thought this could be achieved using :
private sub disableobject(byval inobject as system.object)
inobject.readonly() = true
end sub
Im pretty sure im missing something simple like casting but not sure what to do.
Can anyone help?
I need to write a procedure which will allow me to set readonly attributes for certain objects, for example:
My form contains two text boxes box1, box2.
My sub procecdure will contain code which sets box1.readonly() = true, but i dont want to name the "box1" in the sub procedure but pass it as a parameter....
I thought this could be achieved using :
private sub disableobject(byval inobject as system.object)
inobject.readonly() = true
end sub
Im pretty sure im missing something simple like casting but not sure what to do.
Can anyone help?