Pass parameters programatically


New member
Sep 1, 2005
South Africa
Programming Experience
Hi all,
I'm creating a custom interface for reporting services but I am having a few problems. This is my environment:
Using the ReportViewer component in remote mode to show my reports of the report server. There are 2 user levels of which any user can be apart of, Admin & user. In every report, there is a parameter called MERCHANTID, when the user who logs in (via custom login interface) is of group admin, then the merchantid parameter gets prompted before the report is run, if the group of the user is "user" then the merchantid parameter is hidden, and is passed programatically to the report. The report path also
Report Viewer Control. Report Parameters

My Questions:
1. When my reportviewer component loads up the report and prompts for a parameter, when you select a parameter value or type it in, it just posts back with no results, just the parameter prompt again with no data... How can this be corrected?

2. How do I pass report parameters programatically... so that when my user id of group "user" then "merchantid" gets passed automatically, but if there is any more parameters, then that gets prompted...

Thanks for your help.