Question Parsing HTML, then extracting information


New member
Oct 27, 2010
Programming Experience
Hi all, I'm pretty rusty with VB and need some help with a project of mine. (in VS2010)

What my entire project is trying to do, is:

- Fetch HTML
- Parse the HTML and extract multiple entries
- Put retrieved list in a text file

So far, I've managed to fetch the HTML, but am having trouble figuring out how I can go about parsing the retrieved data.

I need to extract the highlighted information:

<td class="vertTh"><a href="/browse/301" title="More from this group">Trees</a></td>

<td><a href="/link/23423424653465/%NAME%" title="More information on %NAME%">%NAME%</a></td>
<td><nobr><a href="/link/3485934895345/d" title="Download">
<td align="right">2</td>

How can I go about fetching the %NAME% field? Logically what I need to do is parse the string inside two values, e.g. bananaapplepear bananaorangepear bananagrapepear (get it?), but I've no idea how I can do this now... all I know is Len, InStr, Left, Right, Mid etc.

I think the easiest way of doing it is getting the string between 'title="More information on ' and ' ">' but again I've no idea how to do this, particularly on a large scale - there are 10s of these that I need to fetch and then stick into the .txt.

I'd appriciate some help if anyone is willing to do so, I've been wracking my brains for a while now!

Cheers guys