is there a way to parse a string of ID's seperated by "-" and get the description for each id and return in a new column?
select* into datatable
for each row
array() = split(movesequence, "-")
i = array.count
from 0 to i
new column = array(i)
column Name = "location" & i.tostring
i = i+1
select* into datatable
for each row
array() = split(movesequence, "-")
i = array.count
from 0 to i
new column = array(i)
column Name = "location" & i.tostring
i = i+1
id | depotID | custID | moveSequence
1 586 203 224-1481-224
2 586 203 224-1685-224
3 586 198 224-1481-386-224
4 586 789 224-369-898-224
id | description
224 myAddress224
369 myAddress369
386 myAddress386
898 myAddress898
1481 myAddress1481
1685 myAddress1685
datagridview display
id | depotID | custID | moveSequence | loc1 | loc2 | loc3 | loc4
1 586 203 224-1481-224 myAddress224 myAddress1481 myAddress224
2 586 203 224-1685-224 myAddress224 myAddress1685 myAddress224
3 586 198 224-1481-386-224 myAddress224 myAddress1481 myAddress386 myAddress224