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I seem to have exhausted my own resources as I spent whole weekend reading about threads /delegates and event and it only made me totally confused about the issue altogether.
So I am hacking together an app which listens to traffic using SharpPcap library, it reconstructs the packets from sessions using the code from TpcRcon.
Listening and reconstructing part work on their own . What I want is on each packet arrival main window gets an event so it can display the packet , and when session is reconstructed display a complete packet (I am interested in HTTP ones) . -That is where it breaks with weird symptoms:
for example right now it does not stop on invoking stop listening method - the sharppcap library function hangs there forever waiting on this line of code :
m_pcapThreadEvent.WaitOne();//wait for the 'stopped' signal from thread
I also had it not working and crashing in sharppcap function because I had omitted one parameter in form delegate- which makes no sense, because form delegate does not deal with packet capture at all and only reacts on "New Packet" event from my "Listener" class (which is only there to notify main form)
My app starts as module main instancing class "Listener". MainForm has it
registered as friend with event and handles even "New Packet"
Main Form:
Now my listener class -it has an event to notify main form and internal function which is used as a callback for the sharppcap function
So I am hacking together an app which listens to traffic using SharpPcap library, it reconstructs the packets from sessions using the code from TpcRcon.
Listening and reconstructing part work on their own . What I want is on each packet arrival main window gets an event so it can display the packet , and when session is reconstructed display a complete packet (I am interested in HTTP ones) . -That is where it breaks with weird symptoms:
for example right now it does not stop on invoking stop listening method - the sharppcap library function hangs there forever waiting on this line of code :
m_pcapThreadEvent.WaitOne();//wait for the 'stopped' signal from thread
I also had it not working and crashing in sharppcap function because I had omitted one parameter in form delegate- which makes no sense, because form delegate does not deal with packet capture at all and only reacts on "New Packet" event from my "Listener" class (which is only there to notify main form)
My app starts as module main instancing class "Listener". MainForm has it
registered as friend with event and handles even "New Packet"
Main Form:
Private Sub uiListenStart_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btListenStart.Click
aLogger.AddMessage("Started Listening")
uiStatusBar.Panels(0).Text = "Listening"
End Sub
Public Delegate Sub AddNewPacketCallBack(ByVal packet As String, ByVal session As String)
Private Sub AddNewPacket(ByVal packet As String, ByVal session As String) Handles aKongListener.NewPacket
If uiLogList.InvokeRequired Then
Dim d As New AddNewPacketCallBack(AddressOf AddNewPacket)
Me.Invoke(d, New Object() {packet, session})
uiLogList.SelectedIndex = uiLogList.Items.Count - 1
uiStatusBar.Panels(3).Text = "Packets:" & uiLogList.Items.Count
If Not session = "" Then
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btListenStop_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btListenStop.Click
aLogger.AddMessage("Stopped Listening")
uiStatusBar.Panels(0).Text = "Not Listening"
End Sub
Now my listener class -it has an event to notify main form and internal function which is used as a callback for the sharppcap function
Public Class Listener
Const CAP_FILTER_STR = "" ' '"ip and tcp" ' only winpcap fitlers can be used (limited)
Const Device_Index As Integer = 3
Dim device As PcapDevice
Dim devices As List(Of PcapDevice)
' Holds the file streams for each tcp session in case we use SharpPcap
Dim sessions As New Dictionary(Of Connection, TcpRecon)()
Dim prevSessionsCount As Integer = 0
' The directory path of the Pcap file
Dim path As String = ""
Public Shared Event NewPacket(ByVal packetString As String, ByVal session As String)
' A delegate to the reconstruction function the user has chosen
Private Delegate Sub ReconFuncDelegate(ByVal capFile As String)
''' <summary>
''' Reconstruct a Pcap file using TcpRecon class
''' </summary>
''' <param name="capFile"></param>
Private Sub ReconSingleFileSharpPcap(ByVal capFile As String)
' Clean up
For Each tr As TcpRecon In sessions.Values
End Sub
Public Sub StartListening()
devices = SharpPcap.Pcap.GetAllDevices
If devices.Count < 1 Then
Throw New Exception("No device found on this machine")
End If
device = devices(Device_Index)
'Register our handler function to the 'packet arrival' event
AddHandler device.OnPacketArrival, AddressOf device_PcapOnPacketArrival
'Open the device for capturing
'true -- means promiscuous mode
'1000 -- means a read wait of 1000ms
device.Open(False, 1000)
'Start the capturing process
End Sub
Public Sub StopListening()
'Stop the capturing process
'Close the pcap device
End Sub
Public Sub ProcessFile(ByVal capfile As String)
'Get an offline file pcap device
device = SharpPcap.Pcap.GetPcapOfflineDevice(capfile)
'Open the device for capturing
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox(" Could not open capture file" & ex.Message)
End Try
AddHandler device.OnPacketArrival, AddressOf device_PcapOnPacketArrival
'Start capture 'INFINTE' number of packets This method will return when EOF reached.
'Close the pcap device
End Sub
Private Sub device_PcapOnPacketArrival(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal packet As SharpPcap.Packets.Packet)
Dim packetString, session As String
Dim time As DateTime = packet.PcapHeader.[Date]
Dim len As Integer = packet.PcapHeader.PacketLength
packetString = String.Format("{0}:{1}:{2},{3} Len={4}", time.Hour, time.Minute, time.Second, time.Millisecond, len)
If (TypeOf packet Is Packets.TCPPacket) Then
End If
If sessions.Count > prevSessionsCount Then
session = sessions.Count
prevSessionsCount = sessions.Count
End If
Dim currThread As Thread = Thread.CurrentThread
RaiseEvent NewPacket(packetString, session)
End Sub
' The packet Reconstruction
Private Sub ReconstructTCPSession(ByVal tcpPacket As Packets.TCPPacket)
' Creates a key for the dictionary
Dim c As New Connection(tcpPacket)
' create a new entry if the key does not exists
If Not sessions.ContainsKey(c) Then
Dim fileName As String = c.getFileName(path)
Dim tcpRecon As New TcpRecon(fileName)
sessions.Add(c, tcpRecon)
End If
' Use the TcpRecon class to reconstruct the session
End Sub
Public Sub New()
Dim ReconFunc As New ReconFuncDelegate(AddressOf ReconSingleFileSharpPcap)
sessions = New Dictionary(Of Connection, TcpRecon)()
End Sub
End Class