Outlook style month calendar


Well-known member
May 11, 2009
Programming Experience
Hello everyone. This is my first post. So there goes it. I have been trying to make an appointment calendar with different views ( weekly, daily, hourly, monthly) in my windows form application using VB express 2008. I have tried using a tablelayoutpanel and splitting it so each cell will correspond to a date in the monthcalendar control. My problem is how to link the two together. How to select a cell in monthcalendar and assign it to a cell in the tablelayoutpanel. I can do this when selecting a date but I would want all to be loaded when form is loaded. My end result would look similat to the calendar on this forum. Thanks for all the replies.:eek:
I just want some initial guidance, link, book, etc on how to get started doing this thing. PLEASE somebody hear me. Thanks for all the replies
I guess you didn't have much luck! :p

My problem is how to link the two together

I think the problem is that we don't understand how you intend to "link" them together...

One thing I like about software development is that there is almost always someone else who has had you problem before! And the cheapest code is the one you download! :rolleyes:

Maybe this one will do the trick : CodeProject: Another Month Calendar. Free source code and programming help

Otherwise, look up calendar on CodeProject. You will probably save a lot of time in coding and testing it afterwards.