I would like to request a general code format in vb.net that would help me connect to oracle + get/set/del data from vb.net using stored procedure,which uses all three types of IN,OUT,IN OUT parameters.
It would be kind enough if an example for each the following can be given
1) for stored procedure with IN parameters only,
2) for stored procedure with IN & OUT parameters ,
3) for stored procedure with all parameters,
Thank You
I would like to request a general code format in vb.net that would help me connect to oracle + get/set/del data from vb.net using stored procedure,which uses all three types of IN,OUT,IN OUT parameters.
It would be kind enough if an example for each the following can be given
1) for stored procedure with IN parameters only,
2) for stored procedure with IN & OUT parameters ,
3) for stored procedure with all parameters,
Thank You