Open Excel


New member
Jun 7, 2005
Programming Experience

I wrote an app in VB.Net that archigves Excel files from Lotus Notes. What I'm trying to do now is to write an Web based app to view these files. I display all the data from my sql database on a web page an the user must select a file. When he clicks on the filename the program builds the string and opens it in Excel.

I've got the code to open the file but it opens it invisibly. I Press Ctrl-Alt-Del and can see the Excel process running but can't see it on the screen.

Any help would be appreciated.
Regards Reinier

This is my code.

Dim xls_App As New Excel.Application()

Dim WSheet As New Excel.Worksheet()

Label2.Text = str_Main_Archive_Path & str_Full_File_Path

xls_App.AskToUpdateLinks = False
WSheet = xls_App.Workbooks.Open(str_Main_Archive_Path & str_Full_File_Path, updatelinks:=False).Worksheets.Item(1)

xls_App.Application.Visible = True

xls_App.Application.WindowState = Excel.XlWindowState.xlMaximized


I've tried Shelling just plain Excel from ASP.Net but it still doesn't bring it up.

Shell("C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Excel.exe", AppWinStyle.MaximizedFocus)

Doesn't bring up Excel. When I put this code in a VB.Net App it bring up Excel. In ASP.Net it doesn't but when I Press ctrl-Alt-Del and look under processes it does have Excel there. The User is ASPNET which I made part of the Administrator group.

Any Help? Please...
