Online test


New member
Apr 24, 2007
Programming Experience
Hi all,

I need to create an online test wherein registered users can login and take up a series of tests. The questions reside in our webserver. The user's responses are sent back to the webserver. We tried creating the test in ASP sometime back.
We are facing the following problem with the ASP version.

The test we created had certain Javascript based validations like disabling refresh key (few tests were timed tests and we couldn't let the user press F5 to reset the clock), disabling browser Next and Previous buttons, etc. The test runs fine in IE browser most of the time, but when users try it with other browsers, the test simply doesn't work as expected. Also, the users have various popup blockers which block our test window (which is administered in a popup window).

Now we are planning to shift the architecture of the test to make it browser independent. Can I use VB.Net to create a thin client downloadable over the web, sit in the user's machine and contacts my server using webservices to administer the test. Or is there a better way to solve my problem?
