Question one database for each user?


New member
Jul 1, 2011
Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico
Programming Experience
Hi, I'm new here, a student, and I'm having trouble with a project, I'm making a website with ASP.NET and in one of the pages, once the users log in, i would to put in a form with daily activities, where the user can input what he did on Monday or whatever and add fields according to what he did. I was trying to setup a database, but I want it to be by username, it would be too flooded if all the users where to add information to it, anyone know a way I could do this?

I was thinking Databases by user, or XML files, what could I do? Thanks in advance.
One database is exactly what you should use. Databases are quite capable of storing large amounts of data. Do you think that Facebook has a different database for each user? If you expect large amounts of data then use an RDBMS that can handle it, e.g. SQL Server or MySQL. SQL Server Express, which is the free version, can handle databases of up to 10 GB in size; that's per database, not in total. The full version can handle terabytes.
Thanks for your reply, OK so it is possible to do it with a database, one question if I were to display a database by user, how do i go about this? And make it so if any user registers a new account for it to be added to the database, is that possible?
There is lots of information available about databases and accessing them from VB.NET. You might start with the Data Walkthroughs link in my signature and then go from there.
Thanks for your reply, OK so it is possible to do it with a database, one question if I were to display a database by user, how do i go about this? And make it so if any user registers a new account for it to be added to the database, is that possible?

Each row in the database would be for a single user with multiple columns for information. For example one column could be for the username, the second for a password, a third for their birthday, etc.