Question not Resizing controls


Jun 17, 2011
Programming Experience
Hi everyone. I am a new VB.Net hobbyist. Had a quick question which I am sure has an obvious answer which is currently eluding me. I have a basic windows form. I have one command button of the default size right in the middle of the form. I also set the anchors for the command button to keep it in the center when the window form is resized.

The issue is when I maximize the the window form the command button remains in the center, but it has grown in size tremendously (almost taking up the entire form).

I want to keep the command button centered when the form is maximized, but I also want to keep it the same size. Is there a property for the command button I am overlooking which will do this?

There isn't. Use the Resize event of the form and calculate where to place the button.
Private Sub CenterControl(c As Control, area As Size)
    c.Left = (area.Width - c.Width) \ 2
    c.Top = (area.Height - c.Height) \ 2
End Sub

Private Sub Form1_Resize(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Resize
    CenterControl(Me.Button1, Me.ClientSize)
End Sub