Newbie problem with setting property of class


Apr 29, 2010
Programming Experience
Thanks for looking. I'm new to classes and can't work out where i've gone wrong.

In my Who Wants to be a Millionaire application, I have a Lifeline class and I create three instances of it - FF, PAF and ATA (50/50, Phone a Friend and Ask the Audience).

something i do with a lifeline is put a cross over its logo, hence the need for a centrepoint property, which marks the centre of the cross on a form.

Public Class Lifeline
    Private ptCentrePoint As Point

    Public Property CentrePoint() As Point
            CentrePoint = ptCentrePoint
        End Get

        Set(ByVal Value As Point)
            ptCentrePoint = Value
        End Set
    End Property
End Class

There are two forms. The first one's code module calls on the second one's code module to draw a cross on the second form.

The second form creates the object when the app starts up:

 Public FF As New Lifeline
 Sub Form2_Load([etc])
        'give the lifeline objects properties. 'a point is a structure. x and y can't be set directly
        Dim tmpPoint As New System.Drawing.Point(50, 25)
        FF.CentrePoint = tmpPoint

The first form should take the FF object created by the second form and pas it to the second form to get the second form to draw a cross on itself:

Form 1:
Call Form2.DrawCross(Form2.FF.CentrePoint)

Form 2:
Friend Sub DrawCross(ByVal ptIn As Point)
        Dim pt1, pt2 As Point
        pt1.X = ptIn.X + 20 '/starting  x co-ordinate of first stroke
        pt1.Y = ptIn.Y + 20 ' /starting y co-ordinate of first stroke
        pt2.X = ptIn.X - 20 '/ending x co-ordinate of first stroke
        pt2.Y = ptIn.Y - 20 '/ending y co-ordinate of first stroke
        gphFormGraphics.DrawLine(myPen, pt1, pt2)
        pt1.X = ptIn.X + 20 '\starting x co-ordinate of second stroke
        pt1.Y = ptIn.Y - 20 '\starting y co-ordinate of second stroke
        pt2.X = ptIn.X - 20 '\ending x co-ordinate of second stroke
        pt2.Y = ptIn.Y + 20 '\ending y co-ordinate of second stroke
        gphFormGraphics.DrawLine(myPen, pt1, pt2)
    End Sub

What happens is that at the "Call Form2.DrawCross(Form2.CentrePoint)" line, the tooltip shows that the FF object's centrepoint property isn't set (as I thought it would be by " FF.CentrePoint = tmpPoint").

Could someone shed some light on why please?
How are you displaying Form2 in the first place? It sounds like your creating an instance explicitly in one place and using the default instance in another, so you're referring to two different Form2 objects.
Ahaaaaa! you're right - i had opened form2 with

Dim frm2 As New Form2()

and forgot i had done it. that was a schoolboy error and I guess I fixated on what I thought was the problem code in a new area to me without considering all the objects.

Thanks again