Newbie - Advice on a Project


New member
Feb 20, 2007
Programming Experience
I have taken a few college courses on Visual Studio.NET but it has been about a year since my last course. I need some advice on how to tackle a project I want to develop.

So here is what I would like to do:

I need to keep track of Desktops, Laptops, and Monitors for the Employees that I work with. I would like to input the Asset Number, Serial Number, Model, OS, etc. I would also need to keep track of what computer/monitor is assigned to what employee and track those that are available.

I would like to have some way of exporting reports and/or a way to view certain information through a search. That way I can update my records when needed and also print the information if I'd like.

I have tried a few trial programs for keeping Inventory/Assets, but I'd like to have something I developed and have exactly what I want, as far as features go.

I assume I would need to intergrate MS-Access or some sort of Database. I really just need a push in the right direction and/or some ideas on how I can get this accomplished. Maybe even a list of things I would need to get this done.

Any advice, good or bad is greatly appreciated.
take a read of the dw2 link in my signature. WHile not an asset register program, it will teach you about databases and give you ideas on how to start doing your own thing