New to GDI - Need drag drop help


New member
Feb 5, 2007
Programming Experience
Hi All,

Im new to GDI and i have a project where user can move a jpg image in windows screen. Basically he should be able to drag and drop the image where ever he wants in the screen.

Can some body help me in this, and give some few lines of code to know the concept of drag and drop in windows form?

Your help is much appreciated.

What is it that should be dragged? The Picturebox control? A image? A image file?
Where "in the screen" will it be dropped? On form? To other control on form? To other applications?

Walkthrough: Performing a Drag-and-Drop Operation in Windows Forms

Drawing the dragdrop image cursor in done with the controls GiveFeedback event.
Drag and drop on then form

Hi ,

Thanks for replying

functionality is like google earth location anchor.

User will place the anchor on a map image in the form. So i guess map will be also an image control over which the anchor image will be dropped.

Same like in google map.

I would be tempted to do similar as that and just drop the anchor into the map image and then let user move it around. Have a look at the attachment project of post 2 in this thread on how this can be done: