Question .net 4.0 changes system.web.httputility?


New member
Jan 28, 2010
Programming Experience
in .net 4.0 system.web.httputility.urldecode no longer exists does anyone know what it is replaced with????


Jan Konijnenberg
While .Net 4 is still Beta, it is also from what I understand add-on assemblies, which adds to the base .Net 2.0 Frameworks and up. HttpUtility class is from System.Web.dll which is a .Net 2.0 assembly and I don't think that has changed. I think you have simply not added reference to System.Web.dll.
I upgraded when 2010 release was out in April, and recalled this thread now. The conclusion above is still valid, you have to reference the System.Web assembly to use these functions, but there is a snag. VS 2010 client projects by default compile for .NET Framework Client Profile, which "is a subset of the .NET Framework 4 that is optimized for client applications". System.Web assembly is part of ASP.Net and is primarily intended for web server applications. So if you want to reference it in a client application you first have to change the advanced compile options to use the full .Net Framework.